TeleHealth Services
We offer teletherapy services for all of our services (PT/OT/ST) during COVID-19 in the convenience of your patient location.
Most private plans have extended these services through to the end September and October of 2020.
Medicaid extended until the end of August and reconsiders extensions on a monthly basis .

In Clinic Services
During COVID-19 we have modified our protocols for the safety of patients & therapists
Exposures are required to be disclosed prior to scheduling and such must hold to the 14 day quarantine rules
Upon arrival at the clinic on the day of the appointment, call the office (409-498-4066)
Office staff will come out to the vehicle and bring the patient into the clinic
Only patients and nurses are allowed
Temperatures are checked at the door along with hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer
Bleach water solution is used to sanitize each piece of equipment and the floor after each patient visit
Our staff wear masks and we ask that any patient 10 and older do likewise